Is the fingertip obsolete? Flash glucose monitoring put to the test

Are the days of a painful pricking in the fingertip soon to be over? A recent study looks at how flash glucose monitoring compares to standard glucose measurement.

About the flash monitoring study

Unclear data on flash measurement

Since the introduction of continuous blood glucose monitoring with the help of a sensor (flash monitoring or Flash GM), it is uncertain whether this type of diabetes monitoring is associated with specific benefits. A new study from the UK investigated just that - and compared the results with the outcomes of conventional measurement by fingerstick blood.

Both interventions lead to a better HbA1c, but one comes out on top

The study included 156 type-1 diabetics with an HbA1c between 7.5% and 11%. Half were assigned to the flash monitoring group, while the other half determined their glucose level with the classic fingertip prick.

After 24 weeks, the results were evaluated:

Data show significant improvement for patients

Diabetic patients can benefit from continuous glucose monitoring. Data suggests that this type of monitoring leads to better disease control and lower HbA1c levels.


Leelarathna, L. et al: Intermittently Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Type 1 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2022 Oct 20;387(16):1477-1487.