Global Outbreak Update: First avian influenza A(H10N3) human infection in Zhenjiang, China
On 31 May 2021 China's National Health Commission notified WHO of one confirmed case in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. The patient is in a stable condition.
Update Date: 10 June 2021
Time frame and cases: On 23 April 2021 a 41-year-old male from Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, developed fever and nausea. On 28 April 2021 he was admitted to the intensive care unit of a local hospital. On 31 May 2021, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China notified WHO of one confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H10N3) virus. As of the time of this report, the patient is in a stable condition.
Regions: The single case is limited to Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province.
Virus / Vector / Disease Information: This is the first case of human infection with avian influenza A(H10N3) virus reported globally. Previously, Australia and Egypt detected human infections with influenza A(H10N7), and China reported three human infections with avian influenza A(H10N8) in late 2013 and early 2014.
Response: The Chinese government has implemented the following measures: 1. further epidemiological investigation on the origin of infection of the case; 2. strengthened surveillance, including enhanced monitoring of febrile cases; 3. disinfection of the surrounding environment, including of the case’s residence; 4. close contact tracing and management; 5. public risk communication activities to heighten public awareness and self-protection measures.
Recommendations: The public should avoid high-risk environments such as live animal markets/farms and live poultry, or surfaces that might be contaminated by poultry or bird faeces. Hand hygiene is recommended. WHO does not recommend any specific measures for travelers.
More information on this update here. For more information about zoonotic diseases, the human-animal interface, and avian influenza, please visit the dedicated WHO page from the Global Influenza Programme.
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