Small tips for a healthier liver

Obesity, diabetes and CV disease can lead to serious liver issues, and more adults are suffering from NAFLD. Small changes can make a big difference.

Fatty liver on the rise

Lifestyle changes can stop the disease

If NAFL is detected, however, there are a few things sufferers can do. With a strict change in lifestyle habits, the disease can be stopped and the liver can regenerate. A healthy diet and sufficient exercise are the be-all and end-all. But even if NAFL is not involved, small changes in behaviour can do a lot to maintain liver health.

Small steps have big effects

The chairman of the board of the German Liver Foundation, Prof. Dr. Michael P. Manns, emphasises the importance of a balanced diet and physical activity. His recommendations for changing eating habits include:

Practical tips for getting more exercise

It is relatively easy to incorporate more exercise into the daily lives of most patients:

Conclusion for medical practice

General awareness of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease should be increased and go hand in hand with education about the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle on the liver. Support at the health policy level would also be helpful. Specialists and general practitioners should motivate their patients to make small lifestyle changes and inform them about the benefits for their health.

Source: (In German only) - Press release from the German Liver Society (Deutschen Leberstiftung zur Fettleber)