Dear colleagues: think also about yourselves!

The past few years have been anything but easy for physicians. Dr Petra Sandow pleads fellow colleagues for also thinking about their our own wellbeing.

Translated from the original German version.

Physicians should not only care for patients, but also for themselves

We all have had three difficult years in our practices. We have been working non-stop at high pressure. A lot of patients with infectious diseases, vaccinations, much more work than usual, plus a lot of things that cost us extra nerves: different practice procedures, wearing FFP2 masks on our faces all day, new billing methods, new IT platforms and methods, online medical examinations. This has consumed many of us doctors in medical practice. It impacted me as well. The motivation to get up in the morning became weaker and weaker, everything felt tougher and more strenuous. On Wednesdays, I was already feverishly looking forward to the weekend. A constant listlessness set in. In retrospect, you could say that it was like the precursor to burnout.

The worst is history, for the time being. I am now taking care of my own wellbeing and health. The routine has normalised to some extent, the surgeries are a little emptier, Corona has weakened. So I've had the idea of looking at leisure time and holidays again. On what does me good. What brings me strength and energy. I think we physicians can do the same thing here that everyone else does: Taking care of ourselves.

Lean into recharging your batteries!

We want to continue doing our job well, we want to be there for our patients. And for that we need recovery. We at times encourage our patients to go to a spa, to practice self-care. In a figurative sense, we should do the same with ourselves. Get out of the mill, take a deep breath, enjoy. For the first time in my thirty years of professional life, I have pulled the rip cord. And I'm not going back to the practice for six weeks. I am simply at home, in the forest, with my horse.

For the first few days I did nothing at all. I sat in my armchair, let time pass, watched Netflix without any purpose. That felt so good! And I don't doubt at all that I have the right to do that. That I am entitled to it. I can see the alternative: after Corona, many colleagues gave up their practices. Especially the older ones thought: I've worked long enough, I'm not going to do this to myself any more. In certain areas and towns that are not so attractive, they have not found any successors. That's bad for the patients. I think that's a great pity. So my approach, in order to be able to continue to be there for my patients in the long run, I allow at times to be just gone.

I am indeed not indispensable!

Whoever thinks: I can't afford that, who will look after my patients then? I say to them: If you get in touch with the clinics, you will always find assistant doctors who are happy to take over. I can also be reached by phone in case of special problems. When I tried this, over the first three weeks there was exactly one call from the practice! So anyone who thinks they are indispensable is usually mistaken. And yes, it is a clear financial loss, I have to pay for the substitute.

But what good is a bulging bank account if one's health no longer plays along? We know the data that show that heart disease and cancer accumulate after prolonged stress. I weighed that up and the decision was clear: if I want to continue to work in the long term, I have to take a short break. I have to make sure that the stress disappears from the body.

How does it feel? Quite wonderful! I'm outside every day, feeling the energy coming back. And the best thing about it: slowly, the desire to go back to the practice also comes back. The momentum eventually grows again. That's what I hoped. And that's exactly what happened. So I can really only recommend this to everyone: Dive into your free time, so you can recharge your batteries!