Cortisol and empathy

In February 2014, the journal "Neuropsychopharmacology" published results from a research conducted at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin about cortisol’s capacity to influence feelings of compassion.

We know that cortisol activates the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in the brain. For the study, the participants' mineralocorticoid receptors were stimulated with fludrocortisone. Stimulated participants reacted with significantly more empathy than the control group. 

The pharmacological effect of feeling more compassion could be used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. My questions to colleagues is, which pathologies do you believe may be relevant from a therapeutic perspective for the application of cortisol treatment given this finding?+

Could people in non-pathological or asymptomatic mental health also benefit from this potential?

Thanks for any opinions. Here's the link to the article in question